The aim of our life here on Earth is to find our own destiny. In simple terms that destiny is to be happy. We can only truly be happy once we realise who we are and why we were born on this earth. By realising that there's a God (whatever God means to yourself) and that we're part of creation.
That doesn't mean we can't be happy until that we find our ultimate destiny. Happiness on Earth, in the real world, can mean finding your true love, having financial security, a fulfilling career or just living a peaceful, spiritual life. Whatever happiness means to you in the long-term and in the short term, then that is your destiny in life. It is the aim of your Universal Guide to help you find that destiny. To help you find that happiness.
Universal guides are all around us. It may not seem like it but trust me, they're there. Usually you can't see them, feel them, hear them. They're totally invisible if you're just going about your daily business and if you are spiritually unaware.
In some respects, it is natural to go through our own lives unaware of guides helping us along in our daily lives. This is because we're in the material world and they're in a non-material world. Not to mention the fact we can be so preoccupied by the problems of our individual lives to be aware of anything else. Yet, universal guides can still influence our lives in the subtlest of ways.
Take coincidence for instance. You may think that the little coincidences which happen in your life are just that. Nothing more than chance. But the fact you met your true love or found the perfect house or became who you are in general has been aided by your guides. Ultimately you are the one who did this, who created your own style of life. But your guides influence events as best they can, if they think it would be helpful to you.
Having said that, they can't just flick a switch and make everything all right with yourself. Make you win the lottery or find your soul-mate. They need your help. Your help is the willingness to change your life for the better. Which is why so often a positive attitude can end in positive results.
So we each have our own individual guide. Other people may call them your spirit guide or your guardian angel and these are as good as any terms. However, I prefer the term universal guide rather than spirit or angel because to guide is what they do. I use the word universal because you mustn't just think of them in terms of Earth but as in everywhere, all-existence.
These guides are part of creation, of the Universe and everything in it. The whole aim of these guides is to help guide you in the right direction. The right direction is towards you fulfilling your destiny as seen before. So what happens if we don't find our destiny? Then we live a variation of the same life over and over again until we do.
You can find evidence of living this same life all around you. To take just one example, the fact we can sometimes take an instant like or dislike to someone for no apparent reason. We just have an in-built love or hate we can't explain. It can be because we have had a bad experience with this person in our past lives. What we're actually doing is remembering the future of our past lives. And in turn feeling what's going to happen in our present life. This is partly what intuition is. We somehow know in the future that we're going to have a good or bad experience.
This is no more true than when you meet your soul-mate. It is an overwhelming feeling which hits us. We immediately know that this is the person we are meant to be with. It's because our soul-mate is the person we have lived many, many lives with before. It is one of the reasons we don't feel truly happy until we find our soul-mate. True love between you and your soul-mate is not just to do with this life, but all the lives you have both spent together before or will spend together in the future. It is more than desire, more than just love, it is an overwhelming need we cannot be truly happy without.
So having a feeling that you've met your true love is not just based on intuition but recognition. It's what we have experienced in our past lives which also shapes our present lives. And our present tastes. Like when we feel drawn towards a specific country for example. It may be because we've been there before in a previous life. We'll even say 'it feels just like coming home' when we go there. That's because it probably was your home at one time in your past life.
Living your life before is also why we experience deja vu, literally translated as 'already seen'. That's because it's when we experience deja vu we have indeed already seen what's before us. It's slightly frightening when it happens because at the time it's unexpected and seems inexplicable.
Yet the fact is we sometimes have crossover points when what we've seen in the past is exactly what we're seeing in the present. It usually only lasts a split second and as time moves on, the fleeting feeling is gone as quickly as it arrived. But the fact is deja vu is a glimpse of the life we've lived before.
Yet each life we live is slightly different from the one before. Depending on whether we've progressed towards our destiny or regressed, our lives are better or worse. This doesn't mean we are physically 'punished' for living an unenlightened life before. What we are physically is not what's important. It's what we are spiritually that matters and is a true reflection of who you are.
And just to note here, do not think that being poor is a pre-requisite for being good. We can be spiritually progressing and still be wealthy. As long as we use that wealth in a positive enlightened way. Yet the fact remains only once we've reached that stage of spiritual awareness and happiness can we truly move on to the next, less difficult stage in our existence. That ultimately our last life on earth as a human is the one when we find our destiny. Then we can move on to become guides ourselves. To let others learn from our own experience.
It's important to note that these guides will not give us all the answers we seek in life. Whether we find our own destiny, finding the answers is down to the individual choices and decisions we make. Otherwise there would be no point in being alive. We would have no freedom. Everything would be decided for us. But we do have choice. And we exercise this choice by making decisions which comes down to our sense of responsibility towards our own well being, the well-being of those around us as well as the world.
However, they also need people to be willing to change their lives and to be spiritually aware. By reading this, you have given indication that you have both qualities.