Saturday, 3 December 2011

Life in Modern Britain. Playing By the Rules.

You do your best. You go to work. Pay your taxes. Play by the rules because you believe it's the right thing to do. You believe it's the right thing to do because you're a good,honest,hard-working person. You know the difference between right and wrong. And yet, every day it seems there's more and more obstacles put in your way. Taxes go up. Food prices go up. Electricity goes up. Gas goes up. Fuel goes up. The only thing which doesn't go up is your bleedin' wages. 

And as time goes on, more and more you begin to ask yourself just who the hell are you really working for? Yourself? Your family? Or in reality is it more the government you're working for? Or the banks? Or the company shareholders who live the life of Riley on the back of the hard slog you put in every day? 

And then you read the papers or watch the news and it's the murderers, rapists and everyday thugs of this world who appear to be the only ones who are being looked after. Whilst those in power abuse the system for their own benefit. Politicians and their expenses. Bankers and their bonuses. Company directors and their million pound pay-offs. And all the time you're just struggling to survive. Trying to live an honest, decent life.

But the fact is you haven't time to think about the unfairness of the world because you have to get up tomorrow at 6:30 am to go to work. To go on a daily commute on an overpriced, over-crowded bus or train or travel on a jam packed road in a car that you know, if things continue as they are at least, you won't be able to afford much longer.

Nevertheless you do your best. Because it's all you can do. Because you have a family to feed. A mortgage to pay. But more and more through no fault of your own your life is like a silent scream. Because no-one's listening to the honest, genuine people like yourself. So you go to work. Pay your taxes. Play by the rules. Because you believe it's the right thing to do. And that's what I thought. Once. But not any more. Not any more.

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